18 September, 2013

Amazon Service

I got great service from Amazon.  Here's the transcript of the online chat with Amazon Customer Support :

Initial Question: For my order (#108-3021598-2760208), I am being charged $24.95 for Shipping.
My understanding is that for Orders to Singapore where the amount exceeds $125 (this order amounts to $130.92), shipping is free. Yet, I am being charted for shipping.
Can you confirm why ?
05:15 AM(GMT) Raj Shekhar(CSA): Hello, my name is Raj. I'll be happy to help you today.
05:16 AM(GMT) Raj Shekhar(CSA): Hemant, I have changed the shipping speed to free shipping and now your order total is $130.92, you can see this update at this order under your account now.
05:17 AM(GMT) Hemant K Chitale: Thank you.
I appreciate this.
05:18 AM(GMT) Raj Shekhar(CSA):
Is there anything else I can help you with today?
05:19 AM(GMT) Hemant K Chitale: That's all. Thank you !
05:19 AM(GMT) Raj Shekhar(CSA): You're welcome Hemant .
05:19 AM(GMT) Hemant K Chitale: Bye
05:19 AM(GMT) Raj Shekhar(CSA):
Thanks for visiting Amazon.com. We hope to see you again soon!
Bye. Take care.